Sunday, May 8, 2011

Motivation - Essential Beyond All Else

"UGH, I don't feel like going to the gym today"

"I'll just go tomorrow"

"Well maybe I can buy just these bags of chips this one time"

"I'll never lose the weight, I don't even know why I bother"

"I'm not gaining any muscle, I doubt skipping today will matter"

Have you found yourself saying any of these things? Most of us have. Staying home from the gym off schedule is one of the worst things you can do from accomplishing the body you've always wanted. All of us need rest days, maybe even a rest week. It's very healthy to do that, but you need to schedule it. Missing a day because you simply don't feel like going, can very easily translate into two or three days you skip. Maybe it is just one bit of junk food, and before you know it, pop tarts or cookies are a staple on your grocery list again and you'll never accomplish your vision that way.

Well if all those feelings are normal, how do body builders and fitness enthusiasts get to where they want to be? And how are there so many people in shape, if it feels so difficult for me?

The first thing to realize, is everybody that is trying to transform their body or even just get into better shape has felt the way you do at some point. They, like yourself, have to find a way to stay motivated, to stay commited. We'll discuss 4 key points to help you find it within yourself to stick with it.

1. Establishing Goals

2. Tracking Progress

3. the Mental Aspect

and 4. the Back Up Plan

1. Establishing Goals
This, by far, is the most important of the 4. Establishing Goals will help you envision what you want to accomplish. With a definitive objective you can realistically succeed, opposed to having goals like just wanting to have some model body, a goal that can easily feel unattainable. When selecting goals, select goals that are realistic, while not without challenge. For example, if you're overweight, try setting a long term goal of losing 20lbs in 16 weeks. Then create dietary and exercise goals. Create a plan of attack.

Within weeks 1-4 try to cut your calories from maybe 2600 a day, to 2300 by cutting sodas and juices and eating slightly smaller portions.

Within weeks 4-6 try replacing fast carbs with slow/complex carbs in your diet.

Weeks 6-8 try reducing your portions further and lowering your caloric intake to 2000 a day.

Weeks 8-10 focus on replacing dinner with a salad, and using lean protein shakes in place of snacks between meals

Weeks 10-16 reduce your carbs to as low as possible and reduce your caloric intake to only 1700 a day.
(None of this plan has been analyzed or even really thought about, it's strictly an example)

By making adjustments through phases like this, you can really smoothly impliment big changes by allowing yourself time to adjust as you make them. If you try to jump into these big giant radical swings all at once, they'll never last.

2. Tracking Progress
This goes hand in hand with Establishing Goals. In order to see the small bits of progress that you really are making and maybe not directly seeing in the mirror as well as to identify or fine tune anything that needs adjustment can be done by logging your caloric intake and exercise. This can be a major way to stay motivated. As you stick to your plan and can see it in paper, the less you want to blow it. Also when you do make that progress over a period of time you can look back and see your hard work is getting somewhere helping to keep you motivated to stay at it. I highly reccomend keeping a journal and tracking your progress.

3. Mental Attitude
Make exercise your vice. A lot of people today smoke weed or cigarettes, drink alcohol, engage in self injury, or other things as a way to deal with or in reality escape their problems. Some people choose less harmful ways, like art, music or other, even possibly productive activities.

A clinically proven way to deal with stress, is exercise. Use stress, and anger as motivation to get into the gym and exercise. Endorphins can work magic.

On the other hand, keeping a positive attitude can be all the difference. If you stick to your diet and exercise plan, you will see progress in time, always remember that. Never feel like its not working or you cant do it. Where there's a will, there's a way. Always remember that.

4. the Back Up Plan
So maybe you really just don't have the time to get the gym to work out, or for some reason you can't or just don't feel like driving. Be prepared for it and have a couple of at home work outs ready. Maybe buy a pull up bar, go for a run, plan an abs and callisthenics work out. There's plenty of things you can do at home to still get a very good work out in the comfort of your own home.

I hope this can help all of you to stick with your plans and accomplish your goals!! Keep up the hard work :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Explosiveness: A Virtue

1. state of being explosive
explosive [ɪkˈspləʊsɪv]
1. of, involving, or characterized by an explosion or explosions
2. capable of exploding or tending to explode
3. potentially violent or hazardous; dangerous an explosive situation

How does being "explosive" apply to your becoming champion?

Allow me to give you 3 of the finest examples of people who highly implement explosiveness:
(Pause the music player at the bottom before watching these)
1. Branch Warren - Body Builder
2. Georges "Rush" St. Pierre - Professional MMA Champion
3. David Belle - Tracuer (Founder of Parkour)
When referring to explosive movements it can be summed up best by the following words:

Without hesitation
Without reserve

In Body Building, explosiveness can take on two forms, a technique for high weight, or for athletic performance, or lean muscle. 
When you're under your 80% or 1RM Bench Press, and that bar comes down to your chest, don't take a moment to inhale and start pushing it up slow and steady... EXPLODE, you push it through the roof, fast, strong, hard, without reserve, you give it all you got to get that bar up as fast as you can, this would be a pretty common technique to completing a heavy rep. When squatting 135 and getting a full range of motion, don't just stand back up with it, EXPLODE, go ahead and jump! Fast, explosive. Movements like that will increase your speed, which leads us in to how it applies to MMA, Parkour, sports, or forms of mastering ones physical self.

Explosive striking, kicks, etc, has been a technique passed on through Chinese Martial Arts for centuries, and made famous by Martial Artist, Bruce Lee. Compare Bruce Lee's jab and right side kick with the punches of a Karate fighter. A Karate fighter, will stand with his front completely forward, feet wide in an almost Sumo Wrestler stance with both fists facing up at his waist, from there he drives one fist out and twists it as it extends forward, completing a punch. From there he pulls its back to his waist and drives out the next one simultaneously. This technique uses the same principle as that of combinations in boxing. However, only so much power can be derived from such a stance of your feet firmly planted on the ground and moving only your torso to complete the punches.

Bruce Lee based the principles of his Martial Art, Jeet Kune Do, on being fluid and dynamic. His stance was light on the feet, standing sideways towards your opponent. The jab started by twisting your waist back and quickly snapping it forward as the motion followed upwards by the rest of the upper body into the fist while it extends, sending all the force to the punch and point of impact. Imagine a building wave until it crashes if you will. A similar motion. It starts as only a small swell as the motion moves forward and becoming more powerful where at the final moment, it is explosive, it crashes. Again with the right side kick, the back foot comes forward to meet the position of the front foot as it raises up and then quickly thrusts out to crash, or explode and complete the kick. The creating and passing of kinetic energy through the body into the target. Explosiveness.

In movement, like Parkour, a Tracuer moving from Point A to Point B in the most direct and fast route possible does not have time to stop before a chest high wall, plant his feet on the ground, and then throw himself over. He must explosively, from full running, leap forward using only his hand on the wall to guide his body over in a single motion. It takes a sudden burst of strong, decisive energy without hesitation or reserve to make it fully over the wall and continue moving along without any pause.

Here's an example in a sport most of you are more familiar with, Baseball. The there's a player on 3rd and one coming up to bat. The player on 3rd is now waiting for the batter up to bring him home and get the winning point, he positions himself for the hit, with eyes sharp on the swinging bat. Suddenly, his ears discern the sharp decibel rise, the bat striking the ball into the outfield, in the corner of his eye he sees the batter drop his instrument of success. The player with eyes keenly focused on home plate, with no time to build up to full speed, must make it across home plate before the ball is thrown back and he'll be out. He explodes forward, every muscle in his body is contracting and releasing with full effort. in a split second he's at his full speed, and before anybody blinks... he crosses home. That player, with not even enough free time to blink without risking his reaction time, has to explode into full motion or lose it all. There's no pace lap, or warm up. Just full speed ahead on a moments notice.

His training requires explosive movements weighted or body weight, and sprinting drills, among other various specialized routines. These elements are the crucial difference in all of these examples between success and failure and in some potential situations, life or death.

If becoming a well rounded champion or athlete is your goal. Be sure to implement explosive training techniques (burpees, jump squats, box jumps, clean and press, sprinting drills, etc) into your workout regiment.
Keep up the hard work and be sure to check back later for an Explosive Training Workout.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Motivational Pictures of the Week!

Everybody needs to find things to keep them motivated. Here are some pictures that inspire me! Hope they help keep you motivated too. Anything's possible if you try hard enough!!!
My home boy Arnold - Classic Inspiration

A clever adaption of a Henry Rollins quote. However I bet the hulk curls way over 200 pounds.

Bruce Lee - Need I say more?

Frank McGrath - BEAST

UFC Ring Girl: Arianny Celeste - She really does have a great body as far as fitness goes, and trains MMA too. So she earns a slot up here as a motivation. As far as her level of fitness, gender aside, I can only hope to match.

Georges "Rush" St Pierre - UFC Welter Weight Champion of the World!

It's inside of all of us, you just need to let it out

James Irvin - is a beast. Won this fight with outstanding strength and skill. But look at this man.. OUTSTANDING

Self explainatory

Animal Pak - One More Rep poster

Another awesome Animal Pak poster

Georges "Rush" St. Pierre - The Champ!!

PRODUCT REVIEW: Gatorade G-Series 01 Prime

PRODUCT: Gatorade G-Series 01 - Prime "Fruit Punch" flavor
Price: $1.99
Water, isomaltulose, sucrose, dextrose, maltodextrin, citric acid, natural and artificial flavors, xanthan gum, salt, sodium citrate, monopotassium phosphate, niacinamide (vitamin b3), red 40, calcium pantothenate (vitamin b5), pridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin b6)

My Experience:
The Prime had a decent flavor, tasted like fruit punch. Did I get any extra energy? None that I noticed. The unconventional pouch seems like a marketing ploy that because you should drink it one sitting, it will work like a real supplement. However, its works as well as fruit punch.

So tell me what you see. I see a s***load of sugar. In fact, the second, third, and fourth ingredients are forms of sugar. The last 7 ingredients (not counting the food coloring) are used for replenishing electrolytes, as you can see you really don't need much. Salts, potassium and calcium are used for that. Electrolytes are exhausted during exercise. They aren't so important pre-workout. A pre-workout protein shake with milk and a bananna would be beyond sufficient (calcium, protein, carbs, potassium). Protein and carbs are the most important pre-workout to fuel the work out. However, sugar, is not exactly what I mean by carbs. A peanut butter and jelly sandwhich on wheat bread is more like it. You have your slow carbs, protein and a small amount of fast carbs. Sugar, results in sugar crashes, the last thing you want in a workout. Well thankfully Gatorade provides 3 parts of the G-Series, including part 2 - Performance - for during your workout (aka: more sugar to avoid a sugar crash).

B-vitamins, like b-12 are excellent for energy. Vitamin b-3,5,6&12 are all useful for electrolyte replenishing due to the contents (calcium, sodium aka salts, potassium). There are 6 B-Vitamins, another energy blend featuring Milk Thistle Extract, Taurine, Guarana, L-Carnitine and ZERO CARBS in the Zero Carb/Zero Sugar Rockstar! I'd drink that pre-workout before wasting more money on this crap. Would I use it again? Not unless I felt like having a little fruit punch.

Flavor: 5 out of 5
Effectiveness: 2 out of 5
Nutrition: 1 out of 5

What I reccomend, and will do another review on, is Jack3d - a pre-workout igniter, and Muscletech's NOP-47 for your pre-workout fuel, which is a Protein shake featuring Creatine, L-Arginine, BCAA's and more.

Be sure to check back for more reviews!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Matt's Mass Destructing Mind of Mayhem #1: Girls that love energy drinks

Dear Girls who drink energy drinks a lot and are proud of it,
         Drinking the over 52grams of sugar per can of an energy drink on a regular basis will make you fat. The large amounts of caffeine will induce a caffeine addiction, which can lead to mood swings. What exactly is it you're proud of again?

Team Matt Yao

DAY 18

WEDNESDAY, April 6th, 2011
Shredding Season Day 18
Workout day: 142
Gym Week 21, Day 2
Start Time: 16:35
Weigh in: 165lbs
Training Partner: Solo

Muscle Group: Arms and Abs

Wide Grip Barbell Curls:
12x50, 8x60 ss/Narrow Grip15x30, 8x60 ss/NG30x30

Standing Overhead EZ Bar Tricep Extension
14x40, 10x50, 10x50

EZ Bar Cable Curl
12x42.5, 10x50, 10x50

Cable Rope Pushdowns
12x42.5, 12x50, 7x65, 8x57.5

Hammer Curls
8x30, 10x30, 10x32.5

Seated Overhead DB Tricep Ext.
10x50, 7x65, 15x40

Hammer Grip Pull ups
7, 5, 5

x8, x5, x4

Incline Sit ups:
x15, x12, x12

30 Sec Plank

Kettle Bell Swing:
15x35, 12x35, 20x35

Arc Trainer:
5:15minutes, 135-155 spm, .26 miles

10:15 minutes, 180-200 spm, 140-178 bpm, .9 miles

Endtime: 18:00

Did NOT like the Arc Trainer that much. It was working the legs for sure, but I just found the whole motion awkward. I prefer the Cross ramp at a high incline and mid level of resistance to work the legs and have a good natural motion to keep a good pace of cardio.

End time: 21:55


What makes the UFC great.

Let's face it, second to guys doing some crazy martial arts moves and beating the crap out of each other, the beautiful ring girls are the next best thing about UFC. In particular... Arianny Celeste. If you're even remotely a UFC fan, you already know who Arianny is. Just thought she deserved a slot, on the Team Matt Yao Blog because she clearly cares about fitness, and thats the only reason she's here ;) Be sure to tune in to UFC 129 and support my hero Geroges "Rush" St. Pierre!!

"If you're not already into the UFC, Octagon Girl Arianny Celeste will help change your mind" -

DAY 17

TUESDAY, April 5th, 2011
Shredding Season Day 17
Workout day: 141
Gym Week 21, Day 1
Start Time: 19:10
Weigh in: 165lbs
Training Partner: Solo

Muscle Group: Chest and Abs
Summit Trainer:
.6 miles, 7minutes, 5.5mph, 135-180bpm
Push ups x 20

Summit Trainer:
.4 miles, 4.25minutes, 5.5mph 175-182bpm

Push ups x20

Decline Bench Press:
8x135, 12x135, 18x135

Decline DB Flies:
12x15, 10x20, 10x20

MTS Decline Press:
10x40, 6x50, 15x30

Pec Fly Machine:
8x115, 8x115, 6x130

Seated Cable Chest Press:
10x30, 10x30, 10x30

Decline Cable Fly:
10x12.5, 10x15, 14x12.5, 12x15

Decline DB Press:
10x35, 8x40, 8x40

Incline Cable Fly:
12x20, 6x25, 12x15

Push ups x10

12min, 170-200spm (strides per minute), 135-175-168bpm, 1mile

Push ups x20
Mountain Climbers x30, x30, x30
Jumping Jacks x100, x50
Alternating Toe Touchers x50
Air Bikes x100
Twist Crunches x25
Kettble bell swings x25x35lbs
Alternating Kettle Bell Swings x25x35
Plank x60sec

End time: 21:55

During the Crossramp I had a revelation... actually I zoned out, but THAT was my revelation!! About 7 minutes into the crossramp run, while my heart rate was at 175bpm, I spaced out at a tv in front of me on someone elses treadmill-without hearing the sound-only my music, for about a minute. Next thing I realized, it was about a minute and a half later, my spm's had gone up 10spm bringing me to holding steady at 200spm, and my heart rate went down to 162bpm all the way until the end. I realized the less I pay attention to pushing myself, the more I relax and breathe steady and fully allowing my heart rate to stay in a reasonable range and hold a good steady speed.

You may have noticed I tend to have a high heart rate during cardio, sometimes all the way up to 189bpm. I plan on developing a personal technique to get this under control based on what happened today.


So I've been neglecting my logs. I think I'm only going to do them every now then. I'll be featuring some new concepts to the blog. Product reviews, effective exercises, techniques and tips, and more!!

The shredding season is off to a decent start. I'm down 10lbs but not even close to where I need/want to be. Beach season seems to never cease creeping up on me and the progress seems so slow. Sticking to a strict diet is very difficult and I have yet to truly do that, however, I am working on it.

Remember, stay motivated, stay strong, and keep at it!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Shredding Season Day 3
Workout day: 127
Gym Week 17, Day 3
Start Time: 14:30
Weigh in: 175lbs
Training Partner: Solo

Muscle Group: Chest and Abs
1.5 miles, 14.20 minutes, 5-8mph, heart rate 140-160 bpm
Decline Bench Press:
10x135, 8x135, 6x145, 8x135

Decline Flies:
10x20, 10x20, 8x20

Decline Dumbbell Press:
5x50, 7x50, 7x50

Decline Cable Flies:
12x12.5, 10x15, 10x12.5

Cable Press:
16x20, 10x20, 6x30, 10x25

Summit Trainer:
.75 miles, 10minutes, 4-6 mph, 150-170bpm

Decline Sit ups
15x0, 10x10, 10x10

Hanging leg raise:

Romainian Plate Twist:
10x10, 14x10, 12x10

Figure 4's SS w/ Skywalkers:


End time: 16:30


Wish I had more time to do more, I need to start pushing myself harder on the cardio. I've been feeling easily burned out since coming off my supps. April 1st I'll probably go back on them.


TUESDAY, MARCH 8th, 2011
Shredding Season Day 2
Workout day: 126
Gym Week 17, Day 2
Start Time: 20:05
Weigh in: 175lbs
Training Partner: Chris Dudoit

Muscle Group: Arms
Stationary Bike:
2 miles, 10 minutes, 80-100 rpm, heart rate 140 bpm

Decline Lying Tri Extensions
15x50, 10x50, 8x50
superset with
30x30, 20x30, 16x30

Focus Curl:
10x35, 12x25, 6x35, 12x25

Seated Overhead DB Extensions:
10x60, 8x70, 8x70, 10x45

Narrow Grip Barbell Curl:
10x50, 10x50, 9x50

Weighted Dips:
4x25,5x20, 5x10, 8xbodyweight

Preacher EZ Bar Curls
8x60, 2x70, 6x60

End time: 22:00

I have tendons in my forearm that flare up with some weird pain when I do arms and they were KILLING me this workout.. aside from that I did ok with my diet, not my best, but had a salad and an apple lol. So I'm going in the right direction food wise.

Monday, March 7, 2011


MONDAY, MARCH 7th, 2011
Shredding Season Day 1
Workout day: 125
Gym Week 17, Day 1.
Start Time: 16:30
Weigh in: 175lbs

Muscle Group: Back

Lat Pulldowns (wide grip):
8x100, 8x120, 140x5, 12x120, 7x120

Dead Lift:
8x185, 4x315, 5x275, 2x275

Back Extensions (with kettlebell):
20x35, 20x35, 10x35

Kroc Rows:
15x60, 10x65, 10x75

MTS High Row machine:
12x50, 8x70, 12x60

Seated Cable Low Rows:
10x120, 12x140, 8x160

1.01 miles, 14min 58sec
Intervals 3mph to 6mph
Average BPM: 180
Ending BPM: 130

End Time: 18:45
Diet as of 11:30
2,431 calories
215 grams of carbs
158 grams of protein
106 grams of fat

still need to have my caesin protein shake and half a peanut butter sandwhich, should put me at about 2600 calories, and 180-190 grams of protein.

The new max dead lift felt amazing! This right after my max squat of 8 reps of 315 yesterday is a great feeling. My run time was absolutely pathetic though. I have a couple different approaches in mind to strengthen my cardio. Breaking it into a half mile, ab circuts, half mile, ab circuts, half mile. Or half mile treadmill, half mile eliptical, back and forth. Things like that. We'll see.

Diet Plan

Weeks 1-8 Low Fat 60-25-15
Calories: 2650 
Weeks 8-12 “Zone Diet” 40-30-30
Calories: 2400
Weeks 12-18 Low Carb 25-40-35
Calories: 2200
Week 19 Very Low Carb “Ketogenic” 10-45-45 LIGHT WEIGHT/HIGH CARDIO
Calories: 2200
Weeks 20-22 Low Carb 25-45-35
Calories: 2000
Weeks 22-25 Moderate 55-25-20
Calories: 2300

Post Bulk, Pre-Cut

So this is where I'll begin tracking my cutting progress. Dietary progress, exercise log. MMA training and runnign progress. All that.

Starting stats:
Weight: 175lbs
Body Fat: 20.4%
Run Time: 1mile-10min

MMA Training:
Ju Jitsu: 2 Lessons - Arm Bar from Closed Guard, Anaconda, and Kimura from Arm Bar Escape.
Gotten beat up good both times haha.